terminalia leaf

Elinor C. Scambler: cranesnorthATgmailDOTcom

Ornithology & Web Design

Helicopter survey of crane nests→

[Research paper, 2024: ‘A trial helicopter survey of crane nesting on floodplains in the Gulf Plains bioregion, north-western Queensland, and the first record of a three-egg clutch for the Australian Sarus Crane Grus antigone gillae.’ (pdf 2.1 MB)]. First author Timothy D. Nevard, co-authors Elinor C. Scambler, George W. Archibald.

Breeding success and flocking of cranes, Gulf Plains→

[Research paper, 2024: ‘Observations on breeding success and flocking of Australian Sarus Cranes Grus antigone gillae and Brolgas G. rubicunda in the Gulf Plains bioregion, north-western Queensland, Australia.’ (pdf 1.5 MB)]. First author Timothy D. Nevard, co-authors Elinor C. Scambler, Donald C. Franklin.

W.B. Sinclair and the Purple-necked Rock-wallaby→

[Research paper, 2024: ‘The mysterious Wilson B. Sinclair (1894?-1935): dingo trapper, natural history columnist and discoverer of the Purple-necked Rock-wallaby Petrogale purpureicollis.’ (pdf 3.7 MB)].

Cover, Introduction and TOC, Mason & Scambler 2024→

[Online book, 2024: ‘A review of bird specimens (eggs clutches and study skins) collected by William Rae McLennan (1882 - 1935)’ (pdf 866 KB)]. First author Ian J. Mason, Canberra. The book reviews McLennan's specimens collected between 1901 and 1923 – the whole book (457 pages including 41 maps) can be downloaded free at Australian Natural History Specimens→.

Conservation gaps for the Australian Sarus Crane→

[Conference paper, 2023: ‘Current knowledge gaps for conservation of the Australian Sarus Crane’ (pdf 4.6 MB)]. Co-author Timothy D. Nevard. This paper is from the Proceedings of the International Sarus Crane Workshop, convened by the International Crane Foundation in January, 2023.

Blue-winged Kookaburra nesting and diet on Magnetic Island→

[Research paper, 2023: ‘Breeding behaviour and nestling diet of Blue-winged Kookaburras Dacelo leachii on Magnetic Island, North Queensland’ (pdf 2.5 MB)]. Co-author Patrick J. Daly (dec.).

Lake Eacham bird counts, 1993-1998→

[Research paper, 2023: ‘Birds of a 'hyper-disturbed' rainforest remnant: volunteer surveys at Lake Eacham on the Atherton Tablelands, Far North Queensland, 1993-1998’ (pdf 2.9 MB)] Download Supplementary data (xlsx 602 KB)→. Co-author Simon Burchill.

Tracing William Rae McLennan's 1,000-brolga swamp in north-west Queensland

This 2023 research paper, which traces the location of a significant Brolga roost discovered by William Rae McLennan in the Gulf Plains, north-west Queensland, in 1912 can be read in libraries subscribing to the Queensland History Journal. The Abstract can be read and the paper purchased at Informit. Authors were Elinor C. Scambler, Mary Barram, Margie Barram, and Rebecca Enright.

Animal foods of cranes in Australia→

[Research paper, 2023: ‘New records and a review of animal foods in the diets of the Brolga and Australian Sarus Crane’ (pdf 1.4 MB)]. Co-authors Timothy D. Nevard and John D. A. Grant.

Research update for cranes in Australia→

[Report, 2022: ‘Research update: Australian Sarus Cranes Antigone a. gillae and Brolgas A. rubicunda’ (pdf 855 KB)]

History of the North Queensland Naturalists Club, 1932-1950→

[Research paper, 2022: ‘A live body with headquarters at Cairns’: the North Queensland Naturalists Club, 1932-1950 (pdf 2.5 MB)] Co-author John D. A. Grant.

Download Supplementary appendices (pdf 1.3 MB)→

History of insect research and Figbird insectivory in Far North Queensland→

[Research paper, 2022: James Franklin Illingworth in Far North Queensland, 1917-1921: ‘useful birds’ and an overlooked record of insectivory in the Australasian Figbird, Sphecotheres vieilloti (pdf 2.4 MB)]

Bromfield Swamp history →

[Research paper, 2021: ‘A wonderful swamp’: Military ornithologists and others at Bromfield Swamp, Atherton Tablelands, 1914-1967 (pdf 2.6 MB)]. Co-author A. Frank Austin, Jnr.

Mt Bartle Frere, 1945 →

[Cairns Historical Society Bulletin, 2021: Captain Austin, Sergeant Barnett and birds on Mt Bartle Frere, 1945 (pdf 589 KB)]. Co-author A. Frank Austin, Jnr.

Mt Bartle Frere, 1945: referenced →

[Referenced version, 2021: Captain Austin, Sergeant Barnett and birds on Mt Bartle Frere, 1945 (no images: pdf 203 KB)]. Co-author A. Frank Austin, Jnr.

Yellow-legged Flycatcher →

[Research paper, 2021: Revisiting history: The case of the Wet Tropics Yellow-legged Flycatcher (pdf 2.1 MB)]. Co-authors Lloyd Nielsen and Ben Wallace

Jim Bravery's cranes →

[Research paper, 2020: Jim Bravery's cranes: Brolgas and Sarus Cranes on the Atherton Tablelands, 1920-1975 (pdf 2.5 MB)]

21 years, Sarus Crane & Brolga counts →

[Research paper, 2020: Numbers, distribution and behaviour of Australian Sarus Cranes Antigone antigone gillae and Brolgas A. rubicunda at wintering roosts on the Atherton Tablelands, far north Queensland, Australia (pdf 2 MB)]. Co-authors Tim Nevard, Graham Harrington, Ceinwen Edwards, Virginia Simmonds and Don Franklin

Sarus Crane ‘triplets’ →

[Research paper, 2020: First observations of Australian Sarus Crane Antigone antigone gillae pairs attending three young and the incidence of three-egg clutches in the Brolga A. rubicunda (pdf 760 KB)]. Co-authors John D. A. Grant (and N. Glenn Holmes, dec.)

Brolga preying on Grebe eggs →

[Research paper, 2020: First observation of a Brolga Antigone rubicunda preying on eggs and of ‘water-kicking’ behaviour by Australasian Grebes Tachybaptus novaehollandiae as a nest-defence (pdf 1.4 MB)]. Co-author Helen Dunne

Sympatric cranes breeding, abstract →

[Research paper, 2019: Sympatric cranes in northern Australia: abundance, breeding success, habitat preference and diet. Full paper available by request]. Co-authors K. S. Gopi Sundar, John D. A. Grant, Inka Veltheim, Swati Kittur, Kate Brandis, Michael McCarthy

Ozcranes →

[Website for Australian and New Guinea researchers, farmers, catchment workers and bird observers involved with Brolgas and Sarus Cranes]

Due to pressure of other work Ozcranes has not been regularly updated, but it still contains up to date and useful material not available elsewhere.

Living Springs →

Family intranet (password required).

Marysville images 1970-2000 →

[Personal images before the devastating bushfires of 2009]